Gabhaibh mo leisgeul for the long absence. Life gets in the way, ken? Quite a few updates to report on later. And hopefully I'll manage to update this a little more regularly than I have done.
For starters, last December I went to my first bothan ann an Dùn Éideann with Alasdair Mac Ille Bhain (Whyte) á Muile (Mull). I hope to go to another this month, though as yet there has been no news thereof.
I'll also be restarting my Gaelic lessons with the cooncil towards the end of January. That should give me some fodder for this blog, tha mi an dòchas.
Best wishes for 2016!
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Dealbh bhon Street Party air Sràid nam Prionnsan ann an Dùn Éideann. Chan eil cuimhne agam air mòran idir, ge-tà... |