Latha math dhuibh. Only two weeks remain of my Gaelic course and the class has dwindled down to a faithful remnant. We are following the structure of "Can Seo" which covers the comings and goings of Swotty Mary and ADHD John to and from the moor, with or without the dog or shinty stick. Apparently, 's toil le Iain a bhith anns a' mhonadh ach 's fheàrr le Mairi a bhith aig an taigh còmhla ri a màthair.
The teacher is pleasant and friendly enough. I'm just struggling to take stock of what I have learnt concretely over the weeks.
I'd say one of the things I definitely have a better grip on is the dative case - I now get how the little floating "t-" disappears after "air" or "anns an" for masculine nouns beginning with a vowel, etc., etc. That said, we haven't really covered feminine nouns and it was only yesterday that we looked at the slenderisation of the end of feminine nouns in the dative (what the...?? how on earth do I pronounce 'chaileig', 'làir'? Is this change noticeable in fast speech?). All the same, I'm no longer shocked or confused by the whole thing. A' dol dhan mhonadh and a' coiseachd air an rathad faisg air a' mhuir repeatedly does hammer the point dhachaigh eventually.
As for the genitive, don't ask..
Anyway, yesterday was the feasts of Saints Fergna Britt, Slebhene and Suibhne (Sweeney) a b'e abachan an Eilein Ì a bh'annta. So there you go.