Tuesday, 4 August 2015


Latha math dhuibh.

Sorry for the quiet period. Work has been gu math trang and I've also been struggling with what to talk about on here. Unbelievably, SOL on BBC Alba seems to have caught up on me. I had been skipping ahead by viewing the next few episodes on YouTube but now I seem to be at the same stage again. I think I need to give each episode a few more listenings as I'm now starting to struggle (which, in my pride, embarrasses me).

I now also go to a conversation meeting every two weeks. That has been helpful even though I am easily at the lowest level of everyone there. But hey, that's why I'm going - I want to improve enough so that it isn't painful for Tormod on the rare occasions he talks to me in Gaelic in person. This learning a new language thing takes ages, doesn't it? You think I'd know that already...

 Finally, a big thank you to commenter Alan Cameron for his excellent and clear outline of how to use and understand infinitives in Gaelic. That will be a great reference for me in the future!

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