Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Is mise Seòras

I missed yesterday's episode of Speaking Our Language with good old Rhoda but I made up for it with a few texts from Tormod which were almost entirely in Gaelic. I wasn't too fussed about missing yesterday's episode as it is still covering very basic Gaelic.

I've just finished watching today's episode which covered the following:

Is mise (Seòras).                   - I am (George).
Dè an t-ainm a th'oirbh?        - What is your name? (polite)
Thig a-steach.                       - Come in.
Tapadh leat.                          - Thank you. (informal)

As I said, the level is extremely basic but I enjoyed watching it as it is nice to know I understand these basics now. I also learn proper pronunciation from the programme. Before today, I would have pronounced thig a-steach as [hig uh-shchukh] whereas the programme has taught me that it is more like [hig uh-shchay-ukh].

An entertaining aspect of this episode of SOL is the ubiquity of Tormod's brother Màrtainn in the various clips, including the basic "soap" Aig an taigh (At home).

Finally, I've decided on Seòras as my Spraff Learns Gàidhlig pseudonym. Although I'm not a fan of the name George in English, I quite like the sound of Seòras (pronounced Shoras). I also don't know any Georges in real life whereas I know people whose names would be Seumas (James), Iain (John) Eòghann (Euan). I also wanted a name where lenition and slenderisation would make a difference in the pronunciation (i.e. Seòras becomes Sheòrais, pronounced Horash), which is a feature I love about Gaelic. So is mise Seòras an seo.

Dè an t-ainm a th'oirbhse? What's your name?

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